Cruisers Information
Thanks for your interest in our yacht routing service. We have been providing professional advice to sailors for 38 years and handle many Atlantic (and other Oceans) routings each year and would be glad to assist you in your upcoming trip. We provide pre-trip consultation for your weather window (unlimited and usually by phone) and then right before you depart we provide catered weather forecasts, ocean maps, and recommended waypoints (sent by e-mail) to help you take advantage of favorable ocean currents and avoid unfavorable ones. We also offer enroute updates when requested to keep you informed on the latest conditions and forecasts.
We are the only routing team to analyze the ocean conditions every day to give you the latest information on the Gulf Stream and associated eddies – as Jenifer is the recognized U.S. authority on the Gulf Stream. We also work to keep you from encountering hazardous weather and dangerous wave events using our “Gulfstream Hazard Scale” forecasting system.
Ocean/Weather Routing Service – Our standard Yacht Routing Fee: $250
If you are doing a round trip or segmented trip through two or more ports, we offer discounts on additional legs.
If you are interested in using our service, please complete the following order form. If you have questions, please call us anytime at 240-432-9570.